Apply to join the
Mentally-Healthy Change Group
We receive lots of applications to join our change group. While it’s not an exclusive group, we do structure roles and responsibilities in a way that helps us to evaluate the skills and support that we need.
We review applications each month in our group meetings where we look carefully at your application and make a group decision. Just because you don’t get in the first time, doesn’t mean that we won’t come back to you in the future (if you’re still willing).
Here’s some more info on what we’re looking for and how we operate:
- You should have a personal passion for mental health. This is an individual volunteer position, not a platform for any organisations or businesses. Of course, if you can leverage your organisation for the good of the group that’s great, but this isn’t a shortcut for commercial gain.
- We meet once a month in Sydney for approximately 1.5-2hrs with other members joining via conference call from a variety of locations.
- This is volunteer membership. All we expect is a minimum of 2-3 hours a week of your time. Of course, work demands can sometimes mean this isn’t possible. Please let us know if you think you can’t contribute for more than 4 weeks at a time. It’s perfectly fine to take a break from the group.
- Any discussions in the group must remain private and confidential and respect the personal information of members and any other party that confides in us.
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